Energy efficiency of the electric motor as a criterion for electromechanical aggregates working range selection

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N.I. Sotnik, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Sumy State University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Hydroaeromechanics, Sumy, Ukraine.


Boiko Valeryi Stepanovych, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Purpose. To identify and justify the ranges of energy-efficient use of electric pump units and to assess the possibility and necessity of their modernization, considering the electric pump units as a single electromechanical complex.

Methodology. The energy parameters of electric pump (capacity, head, zones of equal values of efficiency of pump and electric pump unit provided stabilization of impeller rotational speed and changing geometry of output part of blades) have been determined by means of mathematical simulation of workflow of the electric drive motor and the centrifugal pump.

Findings. We have determined the ranges of optimal use of the electric pump units, and substantiated the technical solutions of their modernization. The influence of the constituent elements of electric pump on the efficiency of electricity consumption by drive motors has been shown. Zoning of the area of pump performance, taking into account the load factor of drive motor and the unit efficiency, has been done. The criterion for estimation of range of the electric pump use, based on the workload of the drive motor has been found.

Originality. We have found a new approach to evaluation of the energy efficiency of electric pump within the area of its performance characteristics, taking into account the mutual influence of the workflow of the drive motor and the pump on the resulting performance of the unit.

Practical value. The proposed zoning of the field performance of the electric pump allows determining the range of its energy efficient use, when it has a base configuration and the need for modernization by replacing drive motor or impeller of the pump, depending on its energy characteristics.




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