Prediction of spacing of primary roof caving of hard roof at development of gently dipping anthracite beds in deep mines

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V.Yu. Medyanyk, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

O.P. Bolotov, Donbass State Technical University, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining.


Purpose. To establish the empirical correlation between the spacing of primary roof breaks and its main characterizing factors at development of thin and medium-thickness gently dipping anthracite seams by deep mines on the basis of field data monitoring.

Methodology. We have estimated the predicted values by means of the mathematical statistics methods.

Findings. For the conditions of the development of thin and medium-thickness gently dipping anthracite beds in deep mines of Doniets bassin, the predominant types of the considered massifs have been identified depending on their structural and mechanical properties. The empirical dependence of the spacing of the primary roof breaks on the combination of key factors influencing its value has been obtained. Testing the results of work was carried out in specific geological and mining conditions of the mines “Im. F.E. Dzerzhinsky”, “Imeni Kosmonavtov” (State Enterprise “Rovenkiantratsit”) and “Dolzhanskaya-Kapitalnaya” (State Enterprise “Sverdlo-vantratsit”).

Originality.The factor considering the ratio of the ultimate strength of the immediate roof and the main one to their height has been determined. It allowed us to im-prove the accuracy of the assessment of the degree of breaks in considered work environment.

Practical value. We have obtained the dependence, with the accuracy sufficient for practical application, which can be used for determining the values of limiting spans of roof caving in the mined-out space. This will contribute in development of activities aiming localization of the rock subsidence and ensuring of the stable operation of the working face without emergency stops under these conditions. 




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