Structuring of rock and formation of quasicrystals
V.A. Baranov, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Senior Research Fellow, N.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Head of Laboratory, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To obtain new data about structural formation of rocks and minerals.
Methodology. The research was conducted with the help of optical and electronic microscopes; samples were taken from bore specimen as well as from mine workings at Donetsk coal basin and Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin. The samples were used for preparing thin sections, two-stage carbon replicas, grab samples, and polished sections. There were also studied other solids: minerals, mineraloids, artificial solids, rocks.
Findings. It is set that under certain conditions structures which have regular geometrical shapes appear in different matters. These forms have different names: jointing, blockiness, negative crystals et al. At the end of the last century it was offered to name them all quasicrystals. These structures are formed in rocks, minerals, living organisms, artificial matters. The findings of the research on formation conditions of quasicrystals in rocks and minerals are presented. We have come to the conclusion that quasicrystal formation results from transformation of solid to the lower energy level, similar to crystallization. Externally derived excess energy is converted into formation of specific quasistructure (similar to long-range order) in rocks, minerals, and mineraloids. The structuring process under changing thermodynamic conditions is characterized by entropy suppression. The described process is often referred to differently: synergetics, selforganizing, structuring. We have drawn the conclusion that this property is transitional form between the crystalline and amorphous state of matter.
Originality and practical value. The study of the new state has both scientific value (determination of principles of formation of quasicrystals in different minerals, ores and nonmetallic minerals) and applied relevance (prediction of fault zones in coals and on boundaries of blocks of different size, association of augmented ore content in these zones (especially in joints, i.e. point of intersection of fracture zone), influence of the above mentioned zones and conditions of quasicrystals formation on the minerals’ treatment and further enrichment methods. Structuring of the solid and formation of quasicrystals are two interrelated processes reflecting the conditions of formation and transformation of rocks and hosted minerals.
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