Estimation of large network models with parametric elements of different degree of nonlinearity

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A.M. Alekseev, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of System Analysis and Control, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of the estimation method for ventilating shaft system models aiming decision making concerning mine ventilation control in order to solve the problem of air distribution in mine tunnels.

Methodology. We have calculated the large and strongly rarified system model of ventilating shaft by the method of self-tuning inverse operators. Nonlinear system of the second order is represented by differential equations with elements, whose nonlinearity varies from 1 to 2. Thereby the primary equations grow into the model of multivariable automatic control system under consideration.

Findings. We have substantiated the application of the method of self-tuning reverse operators for the calculation of the algebraic systems with different degree of non-linearity of high-degree equations, describing network objects such as mine ventilation network. We have proved that the offered approach allows to investigate the system of differential equations, interpreted as a mathematical model of the equivalent multiply connected system of automatic control, by the methods of modern theory of automatic control.

Originality.Application of the method of reverse self-tuning operators in the separate contours of large and strongly rarified system models allowed us to increase considerably the convergence rate of computation processes.

Practical value.Development of the method of calculation of mine ventilation system models allows us to create a software package for mine safety management systems. Availability of the information required for objective estimation of situation at a place of accident simplifies informing functionaries responsible for elimination of emergencies.




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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2013 Contents No.4 2013 Information technologies, systems analysis and administration Estimation of large network models with parametric elements of different degree of nonlinearity