Current state of methods of mineralogical analysis of phosphorus-titanium ledge ore deposits of Ukraine
V.M. Kharytonov, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Associate Professor, Kryvyi Rih National University, Senior Lecturer of the Geology Department, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
T.A. Olііnyk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Kryvyi Rih National University, Head of the Department of Minerals Processing, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Purpose. To systematize information on methods of mineralogical studies of phosphorous-titanium raw material from Ukrainian deposits. To generalize the experience of computerized mineralogical analysis of ore polished specimens carried out in the laboratories of the research sector of State Higher Educational Institution “Kryvyi Rih National University”.
Methodology. Quantity mineragraphy of P-Ti-ores from the Nosachivske deposit has been carried out applying conventional linear and planimetric methods. Computerized analytical approach using “EmbroBox” software has been utilized. Three technological samples have been analysed, nine polished specimens had been made from each of them. Quantity of three ore phases have been determined, namely of ilmenite, nonmetal mineral + apatite and sulphides. Comparison between mineralogical data and chemical analysis has been carried out taking into account titanium dioxide content in ilmenite determined for ilmenite monomineral fractions.
Findings. Mineral phases content by the authors (average value for three technological samples) using planimetric methods were as follows: ilmenite – 23.5 vol.%, nonmetal mineral + apatite – 73.4, sulphides – 3.1, those by linear method were 32.2, 67.1, 0.7 vol.% accordingly, those by “EmbroBox” software were 13.2, 84.6, 2.2 vol.% accordingly. According to the chemical analysis of technological ore samples from the Nosachivske deposit, the average content of TiO2 in them was 6.7 mas. %. The values of ilmenite content into titanium dioxide obtained by computerized analysis appeared the closest to the data obtained by the chemical analysis.
Originality. The authors have developed the method of computerized analysis of digital pictures of polished samples made of P-Ti-ores by means of applied software.
Practical value. The results received by the authors can be useful for consequent studies of phosphorous-titanium raw material reflected light (mineragraphy) and for quantity analysis of ores of different mineral composition.
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