Intensification of concentration process through minerals vibroactivation

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Ye.Yu. Svetkina, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Chemistry Department, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To study the sosoloids formation through the shock-vibrating activation, and its influence on intensification of mineral concentration process.

Methodology.Shock-vibrating activation of the oxidized quartzite and hydrargillite was conducted by means of laboratory vertical vibration mill. The components were mixed up and grinded together in proportion of Fe2O3:Al2Oequal to 1:8, 1:1, and 8:1. The grinding chamber was filled with balls made of steel ShKh15. The material was passed through the grinding chamber several times to reach the length of grinding distance of 1, 2 and 3 m. The initial, intermediate and final products of grinding were exposed to the X-ray phase analysis. The power features of the activated surface were measured by the method of potentiometric titration. For the system of Fe2O3 – Al2O3 the comparison of electric and X-ray phase features of the complicated spinel systems were carried out. The parameters of the process were calculated by statistical-thermodynamic analysis.

Findings. The feature of the shock-vibrating affecting minerals is formation of sosoloids of different type. These very sosoloids will cause the increase or the decrease of conductivity. Thus, the conductivity changes during the shock-vibrating activation of minerals not only due to the Fermi level change and appearance of volume and superficial defects (structural and chemical) caused by introduction of the second component but also due to the formation of new phase, sosoloid, or compound as a product of components interaction in the system. For the system of Fe2O3 – Al2O3 comparison of electric and X-ray phase descriptions of the complicated spinel systems was conducted. The thermodynamics functions of mixing of sosoloids formed through the shock-vibrating activation are determined.

Originality. The metallurgical properties of ores are improved and the temperature of restoration falls due to the shock-vibrating activation. It becomes possible through formation of ferrum aluminatesosoloids and also through additional (volume) ionization appearing upon the active surface of mineral.

Practical value. The experimental data and thermodynamics calculations allow creating terms for the preliminary activation of poor and complex ores with the purpose of their subsequent concentration and dividing into components.



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Date 2014-05-06 Filesize 326.95 KB Download 1394


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