About the size of inelastic deformation zone around mine workings with cross-sections of different shape

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А.V. Martovitskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, VAT “Pavlogradugol”, DTEK, General Director, Pavlograd, Ukraine

R.N. Tereshchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Doctorate of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

S.N. Gapeyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Senior Lecturer of the Construction and Geomechanics Department of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

One of the methods of solving the problem based on a phenomenological approach that takes into account the nonlinear effects occurring in rocks under stress over ultimate stress limit is considered. The size of the inelastic deformation zone around a single mine working with different shape of cross-section are identified. The analysis of the influence of form of a single mine working with the specified height and width ratio on the size and shape of zones of inelastic deformation around a mine working is done. The comparison of the parameters of an area around a circular working and a working of another shape is fulfilled.


1. Russian source: Fadeyev A.B. Metod konechnykh elementov v geomekhanike / Fadeyev A.B. – M.: Nedra, 1987. – 221 p.

2. Russian source: Shashenko A.N. Deformiruyemost i prochost massivov gornykh porod: Monografiya / Shashenko A.N., Sdvizhkova E.A., Gapeyev S.N. – Dnepropetrovsk: NGU, 2008. – 224 p.

2011_01 Martov
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