Results of research of influence of electrostatic field on rockss of basalt quarry

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V.P. Naduty, Doctor of Sciences (Tech.), Professor, Head of the Machine Mechanics and Mineral Raw Materials Processing Department of the Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

T.Yu. Griniuk, Candidate of Sciences (Tech.), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the National University of Water-Economy and Nature Management, Rivne, Ukraine


The paper considers the results of laboratory research on electrical separation of the basic kinds of rocks from basalt quarry – lavabreccia, basalt and tuff – used for extraction of native copper out of them. It has been established, that the method of electrostatic separation is effective for extraction native copper from basalt raw material of 1,0–0,2 mm fineness. The most effective size of raw material used for separation has been determined. It is important for further development of processing technology.


1. Russian source: Kаrmаzin V.I. K vоprosy elektroseparatsii melkozernistykh materialov v bystrokhodnom rezhime / V.I. Kаrmаzin, A.A. Bebesh // Primeneniye sil elektricheskogo polia dlia separatsii razlichnykh poleznykh iskopayemykh i materialov: Sb. dokladov. – M. : Informsтtandartelektro, 1969. – 10 p.

2. Russian source: Olofinsky N.F. Elektricheskiye metody obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh: izd. 4-ye pererab. i dop. / N.F. Olofinsky. – M.: Nedra, 1977. – 240 p.

3. Russian source: Kargaukhov N.M. Tekhnologiya dovodki kollektivnykh kontsentratov s pomoshchyu elektricheskoy separatsii / Kargaukhov N.M. – M.: Nedra, 1966. – 120 p.

4. Russian source: Samygin V.D. Osnovy obogashcheniya rud: uch. posobiye dlia vuzov / V.D. Samygin, L.O. Filimonov, D.V. Shekhirev. – M.: Alteks, 2003. – 304 p.

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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2011 Contents No.2 2011 Poturayev readings. Materials of the All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference Results of research of influence of electrostatic field on rockss of basalt quarry