Research of the influence mechanism of cutoff grade of iron in ore on the overburden ratio

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Ye.O. Strazhko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student of Open-Cast Mining Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.V. Panchenko, Candidate of Science (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of Open-Cast Mining Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


The influence mechanism of the cutoff grade of iron in ore on the current overburden ratio for steeply dipping iron deposits at stage of operation of open cast is defined. Account taken of this influence is obligatory for determination of possible factory's profit from concentrate realization. The analysis of the results in situations of operated increase and fall of the cutoff grade is made in terms of fluctuation of concentrate prices at the market. The analysis is illustrated by an example of the typical layout of a working zone of an opencast.


1. Панченко В.В. Аналіз методологій техніко-еконо-мічного обґрунтування кондицій на залізну руду / Панченко В.В., Горпинич О.В., Стражко Є.О. // Матеріали міжнародної конференції „Форум гірників – 2009“. – Дніпропетровськ: НГУ, 2009. – С. 47–53.

Panchenko V.V. Analysis of methodology of techno-economic substantiation of iron ore quality standard / Panchenko V.V., Horpinich O.V., Strazhko Ye.O. // Materials of the International conference “Forum of Miners – 2009”. – Dnipropetrovsk: NGU, 2009. – P. 47–53

2. Стражко Е.А. Изменение кондиций на минеральное сырье как методологический подход к реализации рациональной стратегии освоения месторождения / Стражко Е.А., Панченко В.В. // Разработка рудных месторождений. Научно-технический сборник, 2010. – №93. – С.279 – 282.

Strazhko Ye.A. Revision of minerals quality standards as a technical approach to implementation of rational deposit development strategy / Strazhko Ye.A., Panchenko V.V. // Razrabotka rudnykh mestorozhdeniy. Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik, 2010. – No.93. – P. 279–282

3. Стражко Е.А. Определение взаимозависимости возможной прибыли горно-обогатительного комбината за реализованный концентрат от бортового содержания железа в руде / Стражко Е.А., Панченко В.В. // Матеріали міжнародної конференції „Форум гірників – 2010“ – Дніпропетровськ: НГУ, 2010 – С. 264–270.

Strazhko Ye.A. Determination of interdependency between ore concentrate selling gain contingency of ore-dressing and processing enterprise and iron cutoff grade in ore / Strazhko Ye.A., Panchenko V.V. // Materials of the International conference “Forum of Miners” – 2010”. – Dnipropetrovsk: NGU, 2010. – P. 264–270

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