Influence of mine tunnel state on stability of ventilation in production areas

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L.A. Shtanko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Stakhanov Educational and Research Institute of Mining and Educational Technologies of Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Stakhanov, Ukraine

A.V. Remizov, Stakhanov Educational and Research Institute of Mining and Educational Technologies of Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Stakhanov, Ukraine

A.B. Vetushinskiy. Second Paramilitary Mine-Rescue Crew, Assistant of Depression Survey Platoon Commander, Stakhanov, Ukraine


Excavation block aeration is an important and necessary constituent of safe mining at a depth over 800 m. The purpose of the research is to improve the ventilation scheme of the block to provide it with sufficient air flow. To solve the ventilation problem we considered two alternative airing schemes. The most reliable tool for obtaining of data for estimation of the effectiveness of the block is ventilation depression and anemometrical survey, examination of airways. Implementation of the depression survey throughout the mine ventilation network was the basis for determination of the aerodynamic resistance and improvement of the ventilation schemes. The research indicated that the air shaft ventilation mode provides air to the block at 58% (256 m3/minute). The authors suggest improving ventilation of mine workings by means of ventilating crossing. Improvement of the ventilation circuit by change of the direction of the outgoing airflow through the tunnels of previously excavated lava allows providing the block with required amount of air at 100% (443 m3/minute).


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Regulations on design of coal mines. State standard act on labour protection – K: Osnova, 1994. – 311 p.

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 1.44 MB Download 1464


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