Prediction of changes in the vegetation cover of Ukraine due to climate warming

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V.M.Skrobala,, National University of Forestry of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

V.V.Popovych,, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

P.V.Bosak,, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T.I.Shuplat,, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2022, (4): 096 - 105


To study ecological regularities of the formation of vegetation cover in Ukraine depending on the climatic conditions and analyze its possible changes due to global warming.

The research methodology involves the following: differentiation of the climatic conditions and evaluation of the significance of climatic indices at the level of territorial units of a geobotanical zoning based on variance analysis; multiple ordering of the geographic locations in terms of climatic indices basing on the analysis of main components (Principle Component Analysis); development of a typological scheme of the vegetation cover relying upon a discriminant analysis; statistic processing of the climatic parameters.

Modelling of spatial differentiation of climatic indices depending on the location latitude and longitude as well as altitude above the sea level helped analyze the connection of vegetation cover and climate. It has been determined that peculiarities of the vegetation cover formation according to a scheme of geobotanical zoning is characterized in the most accurate way by the difference of such climatic indices as: air temperature in January, July, and August; monthly precipitation amounts during June-September; duration of a frost-free period; and hydrothermal coefficient of T.G. Selianinov. The main regularity of the formation of Ukrainian vegetation cover has been defined. The regularity means the following structure of interrelation between the climatic indices: along with the growing average monthly temperatures of June-September and decreasing precipitation amounts from April to September, the indices of climatic water availability decrease along with the increasing heat availability indices (duration of an active vegetation period and total of temperatures per that period, average annual temperature). This regularity represents a gradient of climatic indices from the Ukrainian Carpathians towards the southern Crimean coast. It has been determined that during some years of the early 21st century, the conditions peculiar for a steppe area were formed for the forest and forest steppe areas.

The vegetation cover of Ukraine is characterized by the ecological range, which is evaluated basing on ordering of the geographical locations in terms of coverage of complex climatic environmental gradients. A typological scheme of the Ukrainian vegetation cover can be represented in a two-dimensional space in the form of square parabola, whose left branch shows a gradient of climatic factors and changes in vegetation cover from the west to the north-east and right branch indicates it from the north-east to the south. Graphic visualization of climatic information on the basis of ecograms and typological schemes of vegetation cover can be used to predict the vegetation cover dynamics due to certain climatic changes.

Practical value.
While understanding the climatic conditions of geographic locations during certain periods of time, one can identify their location in the ecological and coenotic range of Ukrainian vegetation and predict their stability and possible changes in the vegetation cover due to global warming.

climate changes, typology of the vegetation cover, vegetation changes, mathematical modelling


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