Physical modeling of precipitation process of the suspended materials in physical model of sedimentation tank for mine water treatment
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- Category: Environmental safety, labour protection
- Last Updated on 14 July 2013
- Published on 14 November 2012
- Hits: 6655
A.I. Horova, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Head of the Department of Ecology, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
V.Ye. Kolesnyk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Professor of Department of Ecology, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
D.V. Kulikova, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Ecology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To carry out the experimental research by modeling of the process of deposition of suspended substances in the physical model of the horizontal sedimentation tank of improved construction. The research consists in determining of the deposition rate of suspended particles required to achieve the necessary efficiency of waste water treatment and the time necessary for the process of settling.
Methodology. Methods of modeling of suspended solids deposition in the physical model of horizontal sedimentation tank were based on the similarity of the suspended particles deposition curves constructed for different heights of the liquid column.
Findings. The physical modeling of the process of deposition of the suspended materials in an experimental model of the sedimentation tank was carried out. The graphical curves of deposition of the suspended particles depending on the time of settling in conditions of different depth of the deposition zone and average deposition rate of suspended solids (or hydraulic size of particles) were graphed. The deeper is the deposition zone, the longer is the settling time and the worse becomes the effect of waste water treatment. At the same time, with the increase of height of the deposition zone, the hydraulic size of suspended particles, falling to the bottom of the sedimentation tank model increases, and the waste water clarification becomes less effective.
Originality. Graphical and analytical dependences between the time of settling of suspended particles in the experimental model of the horizontal sedimentation tank of improved construction and its depth, and average deposition rate of suspended solids (or hydraulic size of particles) were obtained.
Practical value. Obtained curves of deposition of suspended particles in waste water allow us to optimize the process of the mine water treatment in horizontal sedimentation tanks of the improved construction.
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