Substantiation of an effective set of measures aiming increase of mine workings stability in mines owned by Private Joint-stock Company “DTEK Pavlogradugol”
A.V. Martovitskiy, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Private Joint-Stock Company DTEK Pavlogradugol, director general, Pavlograd, Ukraine
Purpose. Detailed analysis of the existent state of complex of the long workings of mines owned by Private Joint-Stock Company “Pavlogradugol”, estimation of total expenses on construction and maintenance of workings taking into account repairs, estimation of level of difficulty of the development of coal seams in the mines of Western Donbass, substantiation of effective ways of increasing the stability of workings.
Methodology. Methodical basis of the carried out complex researches is as follows: an analysis and generalization of literary sources and positive experience of maintenance of workings in difficult conditions; methods of mine visual inspection; methods of statistical, valuation, analytical and expert evaluation of the data on the state of the extended workings and complexity of the conditions of development; a comparative analysis of the results achieved.
Findings. Indices of repair operations on the mines of production complex and separate groups of mine workings were generalized. Values of expenses on construction and maintenance of the long workings were calculated. A group of mines was attributed to the category of mines with ‘large’ depth of development. A method of expert estimation of the state of mine workings was created. Dependence of the length of the working’s unsatisfactory state on the development condition indicator obtained from the results of analytical calculations and expert estimation was defined. Ways of increasing the stability of extended mine workings of Private Joint-Stock Company “Pavlogradugol” were substantiated.
Originality. Dependences of long working’s unsatisfactory state on the development condition indicator for the examined complex conditions of mines of Western Donbass were achieved for the first time; the new method of estimation of the state of working and coal seam development conditions was designed.
Practical value. The received dependences allow determining possible expenses on repair and maintenance of workings at the stage of planning. The effective ways of improvement of support and methods of the long workings stability increase in the examined mining and geological conditions were found. Technical and organizational measures for solution of the problem of extended workings long-term stability providing in the difficult geological conditions of mines of Private Joint-Stock Company “Pavlogradugol” were determined.
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