Elaboration of reinforced cement material for cementing of deviated wells

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V.I. Hrymaniuk, Candidate of Technical Science, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of oil and gas, Oil and Gas Production Faculty, Senior Lecturer of the Drilling Department, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

V.V. Bogosladets, Candidate of Technical Science, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of oil and gas, Oil and Gas Production Faculty, Senior Lecturer of the Drilling Department, Ivano-Frankivsk city, Ukraine

V.I. Kolisnyk, Candidate of Technical Science, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of oil and gas, Oil and Gas Production Faculty, Senior Lecturer of the Drilling Department, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To improve mechanical properties of cement stone and rheological properties of cement slurries, which are used to cement deviated wells by means of development of reinforced cement slurry mixtures.

Methodology. Computational modeling of the cement stone sheathing of the well, which operates under well conditions, was performed. On the basis of laboratory studies of the properties of cement slurry and stone with the various types of reinforcing additives, the optimum content of the reinforcing additive was established based on the features of the work of the material in the deviated section of the well.

Findings. Analysis of literature sources as well as conducted calculations has shown that at the stage of construction of deviated section of the well, there is a risk of cracks appearing in the cement stone behind the casing string. It was established that the cement materials used at the present time cannot withstand the stresses that occur in the cement stone during the drilling of the deviated section of a well. It has been found that the use of a synthetic reinforcing additive improves the strength and fracture toughness of a cement material by 2 and 3 times, respectively. It has been proved that the use of a combination of calcium chloride additives and a reinforcing agent during the preparation of cement slurry allows reducing the Young's modulus of the cement stone, which is the basis for improving its deformability. The addition of calcium chloride and fiber to the cement slurry increases its sedimentation resistance, which greatly contributes to the prevention of the cracks in the annulus of directional wells and increases the homogeneity of cement material.

Originality. By means of laboratory tests the value of Young's modulus for cement stone was detailed, which is less than 54‒65 % compared with the value of the same indicator for traditional cement stone without the reinforce additive component in it, which explains improvement of deformation characteristics. A new blend composition of cement slurry has been developed that makes cement stone to provide containment of annular workspace of deviated part of a well while conducting different types of technical operations in it.

Practical value. Use of a new cement stone will allow increasing the period of accident-free operation of deviated part of a well and improving containment of annular workspace.


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