Comparative analysis of residual soils of the shields of the East-European and the Siberian platform

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A.D. Dodatko, Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Professor, Professor of the Department of General and Structural Geology, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

K.O. Zmiyevskaya, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate student of the Department of General and Structural Geology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Due to the frequent occurrence of residual soils in the considered area of shields and platforms we received enough material for comprehensive study of the laws of mineralization and conditions of formation of thebresidual soils.

Purpose. To generalize regularities of formation of the residual soil, peculiarities of its structure and distribution within the shields of the East-European and the Siberian platforms, and to determine mineral deposits attached.

Methodology. Analysis and synthesis of research results of domestic scientists in the field of residual soils formation within the East-European and the Siberian platforms.

Findings. The generalities and distinctive features of the residual soils have been found out; the steps of the residual soils formation in the considered area have been determined; the association of ore deposits to zones of breaks or their crossings has been established.

Originality. For the first time the comparative analysis of the main characteristics of residual soils of the East-European and the Siberian platform has been performed.

Practical value. The common determinants and stages of the residual soils formation and the influence of faults on the formation process have been considered.


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