Experimental determination of the frictional properties of the flexible body sliding over a block

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M.O. Lubenets, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Transport Systems and Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Experimental determination of the dependence of the force and the coefficient of friction of the flexible body on the normal reaction between bodies while sliding over the fixed block.

Methodology. The frictional properties of the friction pair “flexible body‒block” was determined by means of the test bench with different forces applied to the ends of the flexible body. Then, according to Euler's Solution, the experimental dependence of the force and the friction coefficient on the normal reaction between the bodies was developed and compared with the accumulated data of the theory and practice.

Findings. Experimental dependence of the force and the coefficient of friction of the flexible body on the normal reaction between bodies while sliding over the fixed block was established.

Originality. For the first time, the two-parameter linear dependence of the friction force and inversely proportional dependence of the coefficient of friction of the flexible body on the normal reaction between bodies while sliding over the fixed block were obtained experimentally. This corresponds to Coulomb's law of friction between two solid bodies, new solution of Euler’s classical problem of flexible body sliding over the fixed block, and practice data.

Practical value. Research results can be used in mechanical engineering while designing and operating transport vehicles with a flexible traction body as well as in research and education.


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