The method for determination of a combustible gase composition during its combustion

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A.I. Brunetkin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof, State Higher Educational Institution “Odessa National Polytechnic University”, Odessa, Ukraine

M.V. Maksimov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Prof., State Higher Educational Institution “Odessa National Polytechnic University”, Odessa, Ukraine


Purpose. Creation of a method of determination of the variable composition and the energy content (enthalpy) of gaseous fuel during its combustion. The time required for definition of composition should be unaffected by the number of components included in the fuel. The instruments required should be included in the regular tool set of the equipment serviced.

Methodology. Based on the known methods of determination of the combustion products composition and their temperature at a given fuel composition and its enthalpy (direct problem), we have suggested the way of determination of the fuel composition and its enthalpy (inverse problem) by the technological parameters (temperature of the combustion products and the fuel and oxidizer consumption) that can be measured in the combustion process.

Findings. Based on the proposed method a model and algorithm were developed for solving the inverse problem. In order to test their ability to work a number of direct problems were solved in the process of combustion of methane, ethane, ethylene and their mixture in air. The obtained results were compared with known data on the composition and temperature of the combustion products. On this basis, for solving the inverse problem, we generated the output data that simulate measurements of process parameters. The inverse task was solved. The determined fuel composition and its enthalpy were compared with known values.

Originality. The method and solution algorithm to determine the composition and enthalpy of gaseous fuel during its combustion in air were developed. The stability of the problem solution was shown. The adequacy of the results to output data has been proved by solving direct and inverse problems.

Practical value. The proposed method and algorithm can serve as a basis for the development of automated complex that determines the composition of gaseous fuel during its combustion. The data produced by the complex, in its turn, may be used for automatic operational adjustment of the burner device according to changes in the fuel composition during combustion.


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