Against overcurrent induction motor protection with direct winding temperature monitor at start

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O.H. Sereda, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electrical apparatus, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

A.O. Prokhorenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Internal Combustion Engine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Purpose. Theoretical justification and engineering of the method of induction motors protection from overload currents with the winding temperature direct control at the launch time and implementation as microprocessor device functioning algorithm.

Methodology. To solve the problem we used the theory of electromagnetic transients in electrical circuits. A mathematical model of the instantaneous power change of an induction motor consumption in starting transient mode was developed, in which the application of simple and widely used in relay protection, circuit breakers microprocessor trips, in particular, mathematical operations of instantaneous current squares integration allows the most in harmony with the mathematical apparatus construction other network protection types.

Findings. The need for direct winding temperature control of induction motors was proved. To realize the control of the working in intermittent mode motor temperature by the extreme values analysis of ​​the instantaneous power consumption of the motor at the initial time after start-up.

Originality. Theoretical research of ways to obtain information about the electrical circuit parameters in the transient mode of perturbations current variation, in particular the induction motors temperature determining by the variation winding resistance monitoring. Theoretical substantiation of induction motors thermal protection improved method at current overloads by directly detecting the temperature of the stator windings heating.

Practical value. Against impermissible heating windings at current overload algorithm of induction motors microprocessor protection operation of operating in intermittent mode was designed.


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