New technology of modifying a machine element surface in an attempt to overcome the tribological barrier

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R.P. Didyk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology for Mining, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

R.S. Puhach, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, postgraduate student, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

V.A. Kozechko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. The increase in the service life of the main types of mining machines and metallurgical equipment, reduction in their metal consumption, reduction in the number of repair workers and improvement of manufacturing safety substantially depend on a tribological problem, which includes the development of a lubricant, new processing and modification technologies of machine element working surfaces. 

Methodology. Maintenance of gears, rolling contact bearings, skid bases, camshaft mechanisms, guide members, sealing elements, junctures, locks and docking devices requires bringing geomodifiers of friction (GMF), special self-lubricating materials, friction modifiers, and methods of their treatment into the friction area.

Findings. For the first time, products of serpentine decomposition have been identified on the basis of fundamental structural research. These products form a protective ceramic-metal layer on the metallic surface. Results of industrial tests prove the high effectiveness of the use of natural minerals as machine elements modifiers. They allowed making the service life of mining and metallurgical equipment 2.5−5 times longer because of the reduction or elimination of repair works and increase in functional properties of engineering products.

Originality. A new scientific direction in the triboenergetics field has been created. It is based on the fundamental research into the mechanochemical influence of the complex of natural materials on the working areas of machine elements. For the first time, it has been proved that in the process of friction, a protection layer with unique wear-resistant characteristics is formed on the contact surfaces. The functional condition of the friction unit surface is recovered as a result of the initialization of self-organizing processes during the plastic deformation. 

Practical value. The application of friction modifiers makes it possible to increase the service life and reliability of essential parts of mining and metallurgical equipment, to reduce the quantity of maintenance work and to increase the safety of mining and metallurgical equipment operation. 


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