Creation and implementation of geological and anthropogenic models of mining systems
C. Drebenstedt, Prof.Dr.h.c.mult., Technical University of Freiberg Mining Academy, Dean, Germany.
V.M. Shek, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, The Department of ISU of NUST, Russia.
Yu.G. Agafonov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Deputy Head of Design and Expert Center, Russia.
Purpose. Development of methods of geoinformation modeling of anthropogenic systems for raising the efficiency of mining operations
Methods. Building of anthropogenic models of mining enterprises and selection of efficient solution options using simulation modeling and GIS-technologies.
Findings. It is found that developed anthropogenic models enable to describe processes of mining operations to the fullest extent possible.
Originality. Originality lies in the use of methods of simulation modeling and GIS-technologies in building of anthropogenic models of mining systems enabling to ensure adequate model representation of the main facilities and processes of a mi-ning enterprise.
Practical value. The main types of anthropogenic models have been developed as well as methods for running of simula-tion studies, testing of which on a number of coal mines of Kuzbas proves possibility for their practical application.
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