Algorithm of the dynamic vehicle weighing system

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Haining Zhang, Xi'an Technological University, School of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi'an 710021, Shaanxi, China.

Linna Sun, Xi'an Technological University, School of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi'an 710021, Shaanxi, China.


Purpose. To develop a stable and high-precision algorithm of the dynamic vehicle weighing.

Methodology. The model of the dynamic vehicle weighing systemwas created. Several kinds of noise that affect the accuracy during measuring were analyzed. The new algorithm of WIM (Weight-In-Motion)was suggested. High-frequency noise signals were eliminated by Butterworth low-pass digital filter, and then fitted by least squares method based on Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm. This allowed the separation of dynamic load and calculation of the static axle.

Findings. The results of application of the algorithm for dynamic vehicle weighing system haveproved that the proposed algorithmis of high accuracy and steadiness. Based on the analysis of weighing results we adopted the algorithm of the WIM systems.

Originality. The optimization algorithm method has been designed, which can improve the measurement accuracy and reduce the restrictions of weighing.

Practicalvalue. The suggested dynamic vehicle-weighing algorithm may allow controlling the vehicle overload and overrun.


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