Linear 3-phase transverse flux machine with flux concentration

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E. Nolle, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. (NBU) Dipl.-Ing., University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Esslingen), Head of the Laboratory of Electric Drives and Installations, Faculty of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering, Goeppingen, Germany.

M.V. Kuvaiev, State Higher Educational Institution “National mining university”, postgraduate student of the Department of Electric Drive, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To justify the research method for the transverse flux machines (TFM) through the application of the special 3D FEM simulation. To present a new concept of the linear transverse flux machine (LTFM) with flux concentration, which has high force and power density and allows mass production with commercially attractive components.

Methodology. Due to the complicated 3-dimensional field distribution in the LTFM, the calculation of this LTFM was carried out by the 3D FEM simulation of the electromagnetic process inside the machine. The 3D FEM simulation values were compared with the measured values.

Findings. A new concept of the linear transverse flux machine with flux concentration is presented. The electromechanical parameters of the linear transverse flux machine have been obtained. It has been confirmed that the 3D FEM simulation measures and the measured values of the linear transverse flux machine are in good agreement.

Originality. The present research method of the linear transverse flux machine through the 3D FEM simulation gives an opportunity to perform highly accurate and qualitative characterization of the electromechanical parameters of the linear transverse flux machines, as well as to analyze internal electromagnetic fields without the experimental research of the real electromagnetic processes inside the linear transverse flux machine.

Practical value. The developed linear transverse flux machine with flux concentration has high force and power density, and its structure allows mass production of electric machines of this type with commercially available components. The presented research method for linear transverse flux machines can be used for the design and optimization of a linear transverse flux machine. This research method reduces costs and time for the development of a linear transverse flux machine.


1. Nolle, E. and Beshta, A. (2013), Elektrischische Maschinen und Antrieben [Electric Machines and Drives], State Higher Educational InstitutionNational Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


2. Nolle E. (1999), Patent application DE19811075, H 02 K 21/02, H 02 K 41/03, Einseitige, mehrphasige Transversalflußmaschine [Multiphase Transverse Flux Machine], patentee Blum Gmbh, 71665 Vaihingen, Germany, applied on March 13, 1998, issued on September 16, 1999

Date 2015-10-10 Filesize 805.63 KB Download 1257


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