Improvement of the central ejector efficiency under nonoptimal operating modes

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A.H. Butenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Odessa National Polytechnic University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Ecology and Fluid Dynamics, Odessa, Ukraine.

S.Yu. Smyk, State Higher Educational Institution “Odessa National Polytechnic University”, Senior Instructor of the Department of Applied Ecology and Fluid Dynamics, Odessa, Ukraine.


Purpose. The study aimed the improvement of thе central ejector efficiency under nonoptimal operating modes, in particular low coefficients of ejection.

Methodology. The purpose of the study was implemented by means of mathematical modeling in the SOLID WORKS COSMOS FLO software environment and by experimental studies on the physical model.

Findings. The data about kinematic structure of the stream in the mixing chamber of the central ejector were obtained. They showed that at low ratios of ejection the separation of the flow away from the walls occurs. A method of eliminating separation zones – replacing of their existence areas by hard surfaces was proposed.

Originality. It was proved that separation zones arise under small coefficients of ejection in the mixing chamber of the central ejector. They are characterized by a high level of dissipative processes. On maintaining of these processes some part of mechanical energy of the stream is expended, leading to a decrease in efficiency of the ejector as a whole. The conditions of separation zones and their geometrical parameters were defined. It made possible to replace the area of their existence by solids introduced into the mixing chamber of the ejector. Mathematical and physical modeling showed improving of ejectors efficiency with replacement bodies within a wide range of operating modes.

Practical value. Central ejectors are widely used in various industries. Their main drawback is poor performance. This is especially true when working in the low coefficients of ejection. The conducted studies have provided a way to improve efficiency of ejectors working in such conditions. The method is simple, economical, does not require additional operating costs; it can be implemented by the staff in manufacturing.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2015 Contents No.2 2015 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Improvement of the central ejector efficiency under nonoptimal operating modes