Differential curves of induction electromagnetic soundings with natural sources for structural mapping in oil and gas geology

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A.I. Ingerov, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), “Рhоеniх Gеорhysics Limited” of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Vice President, Toronto, Canada

I.A. Ingerov, “Advanced Geophysical Operations and Services Inc.” of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, President, Toronto, Canada

A.L. Lozovoy, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of Geophysical Methods Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ya.V. Mendriy, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of Geophysical Methods Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To use interference extremum of differential and differential-normalized (amplitude and phase) curves of induction sounding methods with a natural sourcefor mapping of reference high-resistivity geoelectrical horizons.

Methodology. On the basis of the 1D and 2D physical and mathematical modelling results the interference extremum of differential and differential-normalized curves behaviour as function of the parameters of geoelectricalsectionhas been investigated. Electrical logging and seismic prospecting datahas been used for elimination of statical level shift of curves caused by near-surface inhomogeneity. The correlation dependences between the parameters of geoelectricalsection and the interference extremum of differential and differential-normalized curves have been defined.

Findings. We have suggested the method of mapping based on two type of finite-difference differential parameters for amplitude and phase MTS curves. The finite-difference differential curves allow us to improve the unambiguity in identification of the special point abscissas, and thus, when field data has good quality, to increase the accuracy of geoelectrical boundary determination to 2–3%. MTS data can be presented as pseudotime section. This is a convenient way to demonstrate changes in morphology of geoelectrical boundaries.

Originality. The abscissas of the interference extremum of differential and differential-normalized curves of the induction soundings with natural sources are closely associated with the parameters of geoelectricalsection.

Practical value. The method can be used forexpress-interpretation of MT sounding data when studying the morphology of target horizons in oil and gas bearing formations. This allows us to cut costs for expensive seismic investigations. 


1. Ingerov, А.I., Ingerov, I.A., Lozovoy, A.L.and Меndriy, Ya.V. (2012), “The application of amplitude and phase curves from the induction soundings with a natural source for the purpose of mapping”, Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, Dnipropetrovsk, no.2, pp. 5–10.

 Использование амплитудных и фазовых кривых индукционных зондирований с естественными источниками для целей картирования / А.И. Ингеров, И.А. Ингеров, А.Л. Лозовой, Я.В. Мендрий // Науковий вiсник НГУ. – 2012. – № 2. – С. 5–10.

2. Ingerov, A.I. and Soldatenko, V.P. (1998), “About accuracy bedrock depth of high resistance horizon determination by frequency domain electromagnetic sounding”, Transactions of the Ukrainian Academy of Science. Mathematics, Nature and Technical series, no. 12.

3. Pigulevskiy, P.I. (2011), “Geoelectrical features of structure of lithosphere of central part of Sredneprydneprovsk megablok of the Ukrainian shield”, Proc. of the 5th All-Russian School-Seminar of the Electromagnetic Soundings of Earth – EMS-2011, In two books. Book2, SPbSU, St.-Petersburg, pp. 289–292.

 Пигулевский П.И. Геоэлектрические особенности строения литосферы центральной части Среднеприднепровского мегаблока Украинского щита: материалы Пятой всероссийской школы-семинара по электромагнитным зондированиям Земли – ЭМЗ-2011; вдвух книгах/ П.И. Пигулевский – СПб.: СПбГУ, 2011. – Книга 2. – С. 289 –292.


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