Features of use of rubber-air reinforced lining in West Donbass mines

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V.V. Fomichov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.Yu. Medyanik, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.I. Skitenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

M.V. Snigur, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Support of the capital workings can have a high margin of safety in normal conditions and does not require disassembly. Moreover, it can be reinforced at any time by all available means. At times-term development characteristics of the lining should satisfy the requirements of technological balance. The presence of corrosive media, local swelling or inrushes of rocks often damage or destroy elements of lining and the lining loses its constructive strength.

The main purpose is to describe the methodology of using non-traditional types of support to maintain the strata workings in difficult geological conditions. Due to its design features rubber-air reinforced lining can be mounted both manual and mechanized methods. When driving mine working it is quite difficult to maintain a predetermined by designers cross-sectional profile. When erecting lining using modules of rubber-air reinforced lining it is no longer a problem. High-speed construction and no need in exact shape of tunnel are the main advantages of this type of roof support. In fact, during installation of the roof support the miners can mount it right behind the plane of production giving no time to the rocks to move into the production tunnel. During manual installation the weight of module reduces speed of rubber-air reinforced lining mounting. Also damage of module is possible that leads to replacement of it. Rubber-air reinforced lining allows solving wide range of problems arising in mines of the Western Donbass.


1. Справочник по креплению горных выработок / Общ. ред. Гелескула М.Н. // Изд.2, перераб. и доп. – М.: Недра; 1976. – 508 с.

Geleskula, М.N. (1976), Spravochnik po krepleniyu gornykh vyrabotok [Reference Book About Mine Worings Fastening], 2nd Edition, Nedra, Moscow, Russia, 508 p.

2. Правила безпеки у вугільних шахтах / ДПАОП 10.0-1.01-10. – К.: ДП „РЖ Охорона праці“, 2010. – 430 с.

Safety rules for collieries, (2010), NPAOP 10.0-1.01-10. DP „RG Оhorona pratsi“, Kyiv, Ukraine, 430 p.

3. Правила технічної експлуатації вугільних шахт. Стандарт Мінвуглепрома України. – К.–Донецьк: ДонНДВІ, 2006. – 360 с.

Operational regulations of collieries, Ministry of Coul Production of Ukraine Standard, (2006), DonNDVI, Kyiv-Donetsk, Ukraine, 360 p.

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