Improvement of technical criteria for comparative evaluation of mining operation options of iron ore open pits

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V.H.Blizniukov,Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof,State Higher Education Establishement “Kryvyi Rih National University”, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

S.O.Lutsenko,Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.,State Higher Education Establishement “Kryvyi Rih National University”, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Purpose. To improve technological criteria for comparative evaluation of mine operation options which would allow doing a complex evaluation of mining operations mode and mine productivity for ore extraction based not on the changeable time and economic figures which are hard to predict but based on technical variables (ore mining productivity, waste volume, mineral content). They are stable and depend only on geological structure of rock.

Methodology. The basis of technological criteria for mining operation mode and mine productivity for ore extraction complex evaluation includes the following idea: it is required to do comparative evaluation of mine operation options based on annually extracted volumes of ore and waste considering technological variables of a mineral which, contrary to time-controlled economic variables, are determined by nature and remain unchangeable. This idea is realized by developing an analytical model of mining operations and ore mining productivity complex evaluation parameter.

Findings.The technological criterion for mining operation mode and productivity complex evaluation has been improved; this is the difference between annual volumes of rock extracted from mine and concentrate volume produced over the same period: maximum absolute value of this index will ensure the biggest economic effect from deposit development.

Originality. The proposed technological criterion allows evaluating the mining operation mode and ore mining productivity in an integrated manner considering their interrelation. At that, the criterion, contrary to economic criteria, includes not just price and production cost values but their correlation – it gives an opportunity to get accurate comparative evaluation of mine operation options over the long period.

Practical value.The proposed technological criteria of mining operation options may be used by designing engineers at the design stage in order to define the best open pit operation mode and ore mining productivity considering their interrelation. By the example of Annovsk mine, SEVGOK PJSC the possibility to do the comparative evaluation of mining operation mode and productivity based on the proposed technological criteria was proved.


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