Analytical determination of co-ordinates of distinguished points of the Earth surface depression over broken workings

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M. V. Filatiev, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), “Donbas State Technical University”, Lysychansk, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose.The aim is to define the mathematical equation of coordinates of distinguished points of ground depression depending on the depth of broken workings based upon experimental data.

Methodology.The work consists of theoretical and experimental chapters. In the theoretical chapter, depending on equation in use, principled approaches to defining distinguished points of ground depression are described. In the second chapter the position of distinguished points of ground depression as to the working face are determined based upon the observations; their statistical analysis is provided.

Findings.The usage of exponential, logistic or tangent hyperbolic relation provides almost equal staging of ground depression process by its driving rate. Methods for processing experimental data for mathematical descriptions of these processes have been improved. Hypothesis for the influence of ground depression from the depth of broken workings on basin parameters was confirmed.

Originality.Horizontal coordinate of distinguished points of ground depression depends on depth of broken workings in direct proportion.

Practical value. Relations obtained considerably simplify engineering analysis while elaborating activities for sustainable protection of surface objects


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