Analysis of maximum values of vertical and horizontal displacement of earth surface
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- Category: Development of fields
- Last Updated on Thursday, 16 May 2013 10:03
- Published on Thursday, 15 November 2012 14:32
- Hits: 5503
A.S. Kuchin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Doctorate of the Department of Mining Surveying, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. The notion about proportionality of vertical and horizontal displacements within the limits of the affected zone when mining coal seams is basic in science of surface undermining. The purpose of the article is establishment of correlation between maximal vertical and horizontal displacements on the ground of data received via mine surveying instrumental observations of surface shifting in the Western Donbass.
Methodology. Mining-and-geological conditions of undermined observation stations were different: the depth of the extraction was 100–550 meters, thickness of extracted seams was 0.7–1.2 meters, overburden thickness was 50–200 meters, and inclination of seams was 2–5°. Based on the results of instrumental observations after the surface shift on the profile lines (22 cases), the maximal values of horizontal and vertical displacement were set.
Findings. It was set that the maximal surface vertical displacement linearly depends on the thickness of extracted coal seam. But the similar dependence between the thickness of the seam and maximal horizontal displacements was not established. This testifies that the correlation of the vertical and horizontal displacements does not submit the law of proportions. There is an opinion that the sizes of horizontal displacement depend on the overburden thickness. But dependence between these values at the considerable change of the thickness of covering rocks in the Western Donbass coal region was not discovered. The analysis of the maximal horizontal displacements, the overburden thickness and the depth of development showed that there was dependence between them at separate considerations in the main sections of trough. The location of profile line in relation to direction of longwall movement influences the sizes of maximal horizontal displacement.
Originality. It was found out that correlation of the maximal horizontal and vertical displacement is inconstant within the limits of a trough.
Practical value. The results of the research will allow developing the method of determination of the horizontal displacements and deformation for the conditions of the coal seams extraction in the Western Donbass.
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