Mining-well drilling technologies as the most important direction for the development of shale oil recovery innovative methods

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V.Ya. Afanasiev, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Management”, Head of the Department of Economics and Management in Fuel and Energy Complex, Moscow, Russian Federation

A.V. Ilyusha, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Management”, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Fuel and Energy Complex, Moscow, Russian Federation

Yu.N. Linnik, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Management”, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Fuel and Energy Complex, Moscow, Russian Federation

V.Yu. Linnik, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Management”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management in Fuel and Energy Complex, Moscow, Russian Federation


Purpose. Establishment of the promising directions for development and creation of cost-effective and environmentally friendly methods of shale oil production from oil-and-gas bearing shale deposits of deep-laying rock massifs.

Methodology. The analysis of the occurrence and characteristics of shale oil deposits of the bazhenov rock formation in Western Siberia has been made.

Findings. As is shown, the development and mining of deep-laying shale oil-and-gas deposits through conventional down-hole oil production technologies necessitates a dramatic increase in drilling effort as for the output wells. They do not provide any increase in the low values of the oil recovery factor, and are associated with significant adverse ecological effect on the environment in the regions of occurrence of shale reservoirs. The innovative mining-well drilling technology for cost-effective and environmentally safe oil production from deep shale oil-and-gas deposits has been offered.

Originality. The proposed innovative technology allows drilling-in and preparation of hydrocarbon-bearing formation by mine shafts and mine permanent workings. Production of hydrocarbons is carried out by excavation blocks of the output wells with hydraulic fracturing and other impacts on the reservoir, which are drilled from underground chambers of major mine workings; pre-cleaning and separation of shale oil takes place in underground conditions, shale gas is used for power supply and enhancement of operating efficiency of the underground energotechnological complex. After final cleaning and preparation in the course of the surface work, shale oil is to be delivered to consumers.

Practical value. An opportunity to involve major shale oil and gas deposits for shale oil and gas production into the effective development is provided through the rational combination of well-established and widely used in mining methods and technologies of underground and borehole mining. 


References / Список літератури

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2. Patent No. 2467161, dated November 20, 2012, [The Thermal Mining Method Development Fractured Reservoir of Highly Viscous Oil], Patentee LUKOIL-Komi”, RF.

Патент РФ № 2467161 от 20.11.2012 г. Термошахтный способ разработки трещиноватой залежи высоковязкой нефти / Патентообладатель ООО «ЛУКОЙЛ-Коми»

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