Interaction between large cross-section bored piles with “hard core” under dynamic loads and shelf soils

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L.F. Aslanov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan.


Purpose. To apply the large cross-section bored piles (diameter from 620 mm to 1500 mm and over) with “hard core” for the construction of offshore structures so that they interact with shelf soils and perceive dynamic loads.

Methodology. In the laboratory study, the properties of shelf soils were investigated, and bored piles with a diameter of up to 30 mm to 600 mm were implemented into them. The behavior of piles in shelf soils with impulsive dynamic loads on the vibrators was theoretically generalized.

Findings. The interaction of large cross-section bored piles with “hard core” under dynamic loads with shelf soils was examined. In this case, the dynamic loads were taken from the process equipment and machinery, as well as from sea waves to offshore structures, with large section bored piles with “hard core” that convey dynamic loads to shelf soils.

The calculation procedure on dynamic loads action through the piles on the soil and the graphs as for the compression phase and release/rarefaction phase are given.

The effective time of the compression wave, the change of pressure in the compression phase, reflection, and depression in soil massif were determined.

Originality. For the first time, large cross-section bored piles with “hard core” were proposed for the construction of offshore structures which enable significant armature cost savings compared to conventional bored piles of the same cross-section. The estimation methods as for interaction of the large cross-section bored piles with “hard core” at static and dynamic loads and the shelf soil foundation were developed.

Practical value. The employment of the developed methods helps evaluate the properties of shelf soils, select the rational structure of pile foundations and their joint work, or the interaction of large cross-section bored piles with “hard core” and shelf soil, that will ensure the sustainability and durability of offshore structures.


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