Deformation of enclosing rocks near mine workings depending on factors affecting

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V.F. Demin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Professor of the Mining Department, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

N.А. Nemova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Senior Instructor of the Department of Aerology and Professional Safety, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Т.V. Demina, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, of the Mining Department, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

А.D. Karataev, Karaganda State Technical University, postgraduate student, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.


Purpose. Creation of the technology of intensive and safe mining based on the identified behavior patterns of the adjacent rock massif, optimization of the parameters of technological preparatory work schemes that enhance the underground mining efficiency. The idea is to use man-caused deflected mode (DM) to develop an effective technology of the marginal massif fixing.

Methodology. Methods of the bolting selection involve realization of computational modeling complex and actual measurements in underground conditions. Complex implementation of analytical and experimental studies has revealed the dynamics of deformation processes in coal-rock massif around an excavation. That allows us to control the progress of geomechanical processes in the marginal massif and influence on it in order to overcome the undesirable rock pressure phenomenon and make the supported excavations more stable.

Findings. The identified patterns of the coal rock massif deflected mode changes (displacements, tension, fracture zones) depending on the main geological and mining factors allow us to establish the optimum fastening parameters to enhance the development stability for specific operating conditions. This will allow us to develop new and improve the existing technologies for effective and safe fixing the marginal rocks for mining flat and inclined coal-beds, adaptive to changing geological and mining conditions.

Originality. The regularities of massif behavior were established to provide control over its geomechanical characteristics. The patterns of the deflected mode change allow us to select the best bolting option so that the combined action of anchor and rock will assure the bolting appropriateness to the massif marginal deformation characteristics.

Practical value. The advanced technological solutions have been developed to provide innovative ways and means of excavation bolting, adaptive to various mining conditions.


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