Decorative stone block quality control based on surface digital photogrammetry

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V.H. Levytsky, State Higher Educational Institution “Zhytomyr State Technological University”, Senior Instructor of the Department of Mine Surveying, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

R.V. Sobolevsky, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Zhytomyr State Technological University”,Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mine Surveying,Zhytomyr, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of methodology for quality control of natural stone decorative blocks through the use of digital photogrammetry.

Methodology. Determination of geometrical and qualitative characteristics of block production of decorative stone quarries based on methods of digital image processing, photogrammetric survey modern digital means and software, taking into account the specific jointing and sizes of monoliths.

Findings. We have substantiated the parameters of terrestrial digital photogrammetric shooting of decorative stone quarries by non-metric digital cameras. The influence of the production technology applied in block quarries on the quality of trade blocks and technical losses has been investigated. The methods of quality control and selection of optimal process parameters for block decorative stone production have been developed.

Originality. The analytical dependence for the determination of optimal parameters of digital photogrammetric shooting of cracks has been established. The method of calculation of the technology systems performance for separate production units of the quarry and technical losses of their use has been developed. The method of determining the optimal height of the ledge and rational dimensions of monoliths assuring minimum process losses of raw block has been worked out.

Practical value. Application of the developed methods of stone blocks quality control based on digital photogrammetry and selection of productive complex of technological equipment for specific production units of the quarry taking into account specific fracturing and rational monoliths dimensions may ensure production efficiency, and allow obtaining of maximum economic benefits according to schedule.


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