Research of performance capabilities of support strengthening prop

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Damian Giza, Gonar-Systems International, Technical Director, Director for Research and Development, Katowice, Poland


Purpose. The supporting friction prop of SV type made from steel launder-type profiles is usually applied in mines of Poland. The prop is made of straight pieces of profiles V25 or V29 and it is used as a friction prop of a fixed resistance which is characterized by a specified load and working resistance.
The laboratory researches of such props show that their working resistance is in the range from 160 to 400 kN and mainly depends on tightening torque value of bolts in friction prop lock, and on number of locks in the joint. The construction of props which can carry higher load was developed in order to expand this range. New construction allows adjusting the props suppleness.
Methodology. New props can be used in special constructions as a yielding support or as an edging support with restricted yielding.
The new design of the supporting props which have been marked as a prop of type SPV was based on use of profiles V29, V32, V36. The bottom part of props (case) consists of two pieces of these profiles fixed on a plate (heel). The top sliding part of the prop consists of one piece of a profile and comes to an end with a supporting head. Both parts are connected by standard locks of type SDO or SD. The construction of mentioned props is presented in the article.
The research of prop operating characteristics for definition of its ability to resist shifting was carried out.

Findings. The researches indicated the possibility of creation of double-bevel wedge between elements of the bottom part of the prop in order to increase its bearing capacity. At the same time it is possible to control the shifting by installation of a cramp at a proper distance from the end of the sliding part of the prop. During the testing of props with the insert the necessity of application of inserts made of firm wood (beech) and positive effect of thickening of the end of the sliding part of the prop on steady increase of support resistance without dramatic dynamic shifts was founded out.

Originality. On the basis of the effect of jamming between the props the increase of support prop construction with increasing resistance was substantiated.

Practical value. Presented test results of the props of various constructions made of profile of type V allow to affirm that the designed construction of the reinforcement support has working resistance in the range 600...1000 kN and the maximum resistance up to 2000 kN, and an adjustable yielding in the shift range up to 0.5 m.


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