Creation and implementation of seismic safe technology of uranium deposits underground mining
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- Category: Development of fields
- Last Updated on Sunday, 14 July 2013 15:24
- Published on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 10:54
- Hits: 6434
V.I. Lyashenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, State Enterprise “Ukrainian R & D Institute for Industrial Technology”, Head of the Research Department, Zhovti Vody, Ukraine
A.Kh. Dudchenko, State Enterprise “Ukrainan R & D Institute for Industrial Technology”, Senior Research Fellow of the Research Department, Zhovti Vody, Ukraine
Purpose. Creation and implementation of seismically safe technology of underground development of uranium deposits taking into account the safety of dwelling buildings and comfort of the population in the area of blasting.
Methodology. The methodology complex included an analysis of literary materials, theoretical generalization and measuring by modern digital seismograph Blast Mate Series III (made in Canada), treatment and analysis of materials by the special computer program Blast Ware, mine and field experimental researches by visual and seismic methods, mathematical and physical modeling, theoretical analysis and generalization of results.
Findings. On the basis of results of 48 cases of model measuring of velocities of soil displacement near foundations of dwelling buildings and social infrastructure of the village of Bolshaya Balka (near the city of Kirovograd in the Ukraine) during developing of the Central uranium deposit by the method of underground explosions, new technology was recommended which provides the level of seismic ground displacement velocity of 0.8 cm/sec, and assures safety of decrepit buildings, dwelling buildings and comfort of the population in the area of blasting. Dependence of speed of displacement of rock mass on the amount of explosives per one deceleration and from distance between the blown up and protected objects during mining of ore beds at the depth of 330 m and deeper was determined.
Originality. The mathematical model in which the ratio between the frequency of the investigated factor and an indicator is r = 0.86 was developed. With a probability of 95% the resulting model accurately reflects the original data. An empirical relationship for determining the allowable values of the mass explosive charge per delay (y), taking into account the speed limit of soil displacement equal 0.4 cm/sec and the distance between the explosion and securable objects (x), as well as the preservation of dilapidated buildings, the form y = a • x2 (a – coefficient depending on the seismic properties of rock, and explosion conditions) for mining of ore deposits located above the depth of 330 m.
Practical value. The introduction of the Ukrainian State Standard 4704:2008 allowed fixing the conflict of interests between mining companies and the population and also keeping dwelling buildings older than 50 years and taking into account the social factor. Seismic monitoring can provide engineering and technical personnel of mining companies, local and central authorities and the State Mining and technical supervision with the necessary information for the solution of social problems of people living in the zone influenced by mining activities.
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