Review procedure for manuscripts

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The Editors of the Journal “Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu” conduct an inspection of submitted papers for plagiarism. In case of detecting previously published materials by other authors or duplicating the author’s/authors’ own data (including figures, tables and contents of extended abstracts of dissertation), the manuscript is rejected without the right to improve it. Thus, the authors are kindly requested to check their materials preliminarily using Plagiarism Detection programmes.

At the first stage of review, all the manuscripts are evaluated by the editors concerning their fitting into the profile of the journal according to the Certificate of registration “Coverage of topical issues of mining and energy industries”

At the second stage, the manuscript undergoes external review by an expert of the relevant research area. The procedure involves double-blind review when the identities of both reviewers and authors are concealed from each other throughout the review.

At the third stage, the manuscript is subjected to open review by a Doctor of Sciences in the appropriate field whose name will be published in the journal review-recommendation.

At the fourth stage, the manuscript undergoes review (evaluation) by the Expert panel representatives who provide their opinion on publishing the materials in periodicals and newspapers and other mass media as well as on putting them on the Internet.  

If the manuscript requires improvement:

- consider all the remarks by the reviewer and editor;

- highlight the improved paragraphs in any colour and describe all the changes to the manuscript in a letter of response; 

- conduct all the additional experiments and analyses which the reviewer recommends or substantiate their irrelevance;

- describe all the points on which you agree and those on which you disagree with the reviewer in the response letter.

If faced with being rejected, the author has the right to respond to the reviewer’s and editor’s remarks in a proper and scientifically grounded way and, therefore, succeed in publishing the article after new review. 

If the procedure of article consideration and waiting period for the article to be published do not suit the author, they are required to inform the editors on their intention to withdraw the manuscript before submitting it to another journal.  


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
Journal was registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
Registration number КВ No.17742-6592PR dated April 27, 2011.


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