Utilization of the mine water exhausts heat by means of the heat pump. Hot-water supply plant

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V.I. Samusia, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Mining Mechanics Department, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Yu.I. Oksen, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Yu.O. Komissarov, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
M.V. Radiuk. State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

The essence of the project. The water pumped from the coal and ore mines, is a carrier of geothermal heat, but its temperature (12 ... 26oC) is not high enough to be used directly for heating or hot water supply. By means of heat pumps we can raise the heat capacity of hot water to 42 ... 45oC.
Our plant uses an additional source of low-potential heat, waste water from bath for miners which has the temperature of 30oC. Using this heat we can increase the rate of heat transformation in heat pump system to 7.0 ... 8.0. This means that every 1 kW of electricity consumed in the plant is capable to produce 7.0 ... 8.0 kW of heat for domestic hot water supply, which is very effective.
For storage of hot water in the system there are accumulative tanks. The volume of the tank and the heat pump is determined based on the conditions of preparation of hot water which is cariied out during the night when the charge for the energy is the lowest. At the same time the mine water-removing plant works. In order to minimize the volume of each tank they are used to hold a pre-heated and finally prepared hot water by turn.

Application area. Underground mining enterprises.
V.I. Samusia, Yu.I. Oksen, Yu.O. Komissarov, M.V. Radiuk, Patent of Ukraine No.61130. Hot water plant. Applicant and patent holder is State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”. Know-how: the calculation of the parameters of heat pump system using special techniques. The designed plant excels the known solution for Russian Federation patent No.2178542 C2 RU in the main technical and economic indicators.

Economic characteristics. The economic effect from the introduction of this technology in one mine is 400 ... 600 UAH per year, with a payback of capital costs - 3 years.

Results of application. Hot water heat pump system that uses the heat of mine water was introduced at the mine “Blagodatnaya”of “DTEK Pavlogradugol”. Its heating capacity is 800 kW, allowing preparation of 120 m3 of hot water with a temperature of 42oC for the seven-hour work cycle. Mine water flow used is 200 m3/hr.

Project implementation period is 1 year.

Technical specifications of heat pump system TNU-800 introduced at the mine “Blagodatnaya”of “DTEK Pavlogradugol”.
Heat output is 800kW
The number of heat pump modules is 3
Amount of hot water to be prepared for the 7 hours is 120 m3
Mine water flow rate is 200 m3 / h
Mine water temperature is 16 ... 17° C
Cold water is 8 ... 15° C
Hot water temperature is 42 ... 45° C
Recyclable thermal power is 572 kW
The electric power is 228 kW
Heat conversion factor is 3.5
Heat pump compressor screw «Bitzer» type CSH 7571 90
Freon refrigerant R407C
Evaporator plate "Alfa Laval"
Capacitor plate "Alfa Laval"
heat exchanger for mine water is "REFMA"
Clean water heat exchanger is "Pavlogradkhimmash"
Annual saving 470 thousand UAH / year
Payback period of capital costs is 3.5 years


49000, Dnepropetrovsk, K. Marks Ave., 19, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Department of Mining Mechanics.
Tel. / Fax: +38 (0562) 47 05 36 .


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You are here: Home Innovative projects Innovative projects 2012 Utilization of the mine water exhausts heat by means of the heat pump. Hot-water supply plant