Developing methods for increasing readiness of the managers of coal mine divisions to accident­free operation according to quantitative estimations of their personality characteristics

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V.G.Shevchenko, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, M.S.Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine


Purpose. To perform a quantitative estimation of the personal characteristics of managers of coal mine divisions and to develop a methods for increasing their readiness for trouble-free work.

Methodology. A complex method of research with methods of mathematical modeling, system, factor, mathematical, and information analysis, mathematical statistics, probability theory, reliability theory, psychophysiology methods, engineering psychology with the use of statistical data on injuries and accidents.

Findings. The dependence of the deviations on the regulatory decisions in a series of professional training on the specific number of experienced managers was established; an exponential dependence of the growth of professional knowledge of managers on the amount of information that received in the course of professional training was found; conditions under which managers’ emergency actions approach to being automatic were defined. The criterion of professional readiness of a team of managers to control work in areas in an accident-free mode was proposed and substantiated. The criterion is directly proportional to their self-discipline when issuing directives to subordinates and in monitoring performance, vigilance in the analysis of situations and inversely proportional to blenching safety work breaches. A direct correlation between the frequency of accidents and the criteria of professional readiness of the team of managers to work without accidents was established.

Originality. For the first time, the relationship between personal psychophysiological characteristics of managers, their work experience, age and incidence of injuries at the mine as a result of emergency situations was defined.

Practical value. Methods for increasing the readiness of managers of coal mine sections for accident-free work according to the quantitative estimation of their personal characteristics were developed.

References/Список літератури

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Охрана труда: человеческий фактор и государственный контроль / Под редакцией Н.П.Пашина, Н.А.Лысюка. – К.: ННИИПБОТ, 2008. –116 с.

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Шевченко В.Г. Научно-методические основы оценки психофизиологических характеристик руководителей участков угольной шахты: монография / Шевченко В.Г. – К.: Наукова думка, 2013. – 280 с.]

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You are here: Home Home EngCat Archive 2016 Contents No.6 2016 Environmental safety, labour protection Developing methods for increasing readiness of the managers of coal mine divisions to accident­free operation according to quantitative estimations of their personality characteristics