- 1. Justification of the criterion for optimal control of the self-grinding process of ores in drum mills
- (Content №4 2024)
- ... Yogi, J., & Anand, A. (2023). Effect of aspect ratio of ellipsoidal particles on segregation of a binary mixture in a rotating drum. Powder Technology, 427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2023.118682. ...
- Created on 28 August 2024
- 2. Establishment of a suitable reference system for the geodetic horizontal control network in hydroelectric construction in Viet Nam
- (Content №2 2022)
- ... easily and efficiently in practical applications of hydroelectric power construction in Viet Nam, particularly in the areas with high altitude with reference to the ellipsoid as well as the areas located ...
- Created on 30 April 2022
- 3. Surface modelling by geoid determination for flood control of Ewekoro limestone deposit (Nigeria)
- (Content №5 2021)
- ... 16. Fotopoulos, G. (2005). Calibration of geoid error models via a combined adjustment of ellipsoidal, orthometric and gravimetric geoid height data. Journal of Geodesy, 79(1-3), 111-123. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-005-0449-y. ...
- Created on 29 October 2021
- 4. Influence of particle geometry on the efficiency of operation of quasistatic and inertial disintegrators
- (Content №6 2020)
- ... parts of new designs of roll and vibrational centrifugal disintegrators. Methodology. A mathematical model of quasistatic flexural deformations of ellipsoid-shaped particles is developed for the case of ...
- Created on 22 December 2020
- 5. Methods of modeling velocity characteristics of the geological environment on the basis of the three-dimensional seismic data and well data
- (Geology)
- ... building technologies of comprehensive velocity models of the geological environment were used. Correlation and features of ways to determine the velocity model in the case of biaxial and triaxial ellipsoids ...
- Created on 17 November 2017
- 6. Tectonophysical aspects of the development of geological structure of the western closure of the Horlivka anticline of the Donbаs
- (Geology)
- ... (ε1) of the strain ellipsoid is NW and N–S oriented, and shortening axis (ε3) is NE oriented nearly orthogonal to the anticline axis. Strike-slip faulting type of total strain field was determined for ...
- Created on 19 January 2017