
Effect of boron content on the type of solid solution in alloys based on iron

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N.Yu. Filonenko, State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Biophysics, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

O.S. Baskevych, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), State Higher Education Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering”, Senior Research Chemist of the Research Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology of Powder Materials, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.V. Soboliev, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Education Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Building and Geomechanics, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To analyze the effect of boron content on the parameter of ferrite crystal lattice and on the physical properties of Fe-B-C system alloys. To compute the energy of a chemical bound between various components of a Fe-B-C system alloy on the basis of quantum-mechanical representation and to establish the probability of boron atoms array in a solid solution of these alloys. To establish the type of a solid solution (penetration or substitution) for Fe-B-C system alloys.

Methodology. We considered the alloys with boron content of 0.0001–0.1% (w.) and with carbon content of 0.005–0.5% (w.).To study the properties of obtained alloys we used X-ray and durametric analyses.

Findings. To locate the boron atoms position in a crystal lattice of á-iron we estimated the energy of chemical bound between iron atoms, iron and carbon atoms, iron and boron atoms for its different positions (penetration and substitution) by means of quantum-mechanical calculations. From the analysis of the results of calculation for binding energy between carbon and iron atoms, boron and iron atoms, it follows, that probability of carbon atom array in surroundings of iron atoms is more, than boron atoms. Besides, when it was considered that if the binding energy between iron and boron atoms in penetrating position is at least 10% higher than binding energy between iron and carbon atoms, the competition between boron and carbon atoms in ferrite can appear.

Originality. The performed X-ray and durametric analyses show, that there is an extreme dependence for the change of parameter of ferrite crystal lattice and for the microhardness on the boron content for Fe-B-С system. Under boron content of 0.0003–0.003 % (w.) in alloy the parameter of ferrite crystal lattice and microhardness decreases. As the boron content increases over >0.003% (w.) the above parameters increase too.

Practical value. We established, that boron can generate both: the solution of the only type entirely (substitution or penetration) in á-iron and the solution, in which some of atoms are located in the sites of crystal lattice, and some of atoms penetrate in-between the lattice sites. The performed studies of boron position in a solid solution of á-iron enable us to control the physical properties of alloys for Fe-B-C system.


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