Directions of state regulation of financial policy in the times of global economic instability

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V.V. Petrushevska, Cand. Sci. (Public Adm.), Associate Professor, Donetsk State University of Management, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance, Donetsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of recommendations for state regulation of financial policy, which has to be directed to the solution of economic and social problems of the state and society.

Methodology. The study used the method of theoretical generalization and comparison, statistical techniques and graphical analysis, methods of systems analysis.

Findings. Problematic issues of the state financial policy in the conditions of world financial and economic crisis were investigated.The assessment of features of the crises in conditions of globalization of world economy was performed. Measures for development of financial policy of Ukraine, during the periods of global financial instability were defined. The special attention was paid to formation of modern and full-fledged financial market in Ukraine, as one of the basic elements of a financial system of the country.

Originality. We have done further development of theoretical principles concerning the formation of an effective financial policy of social orientation and development of the mechanism of its functioning in Ukraine, and also researches of domestic financial system, including its component, stock market. The key directions of modern financial policy of Ukraine during the periods of global economic instability were defined.

Practical value. We have proved and developed the theoretical statements, conclusions and research recommendations to the level of specific proposals for improving efficiency of financial policy in the system of state regulation of economy of Ukraine, which could be used by government at improvement of the relevant activities in the preparation of laws and the regulations aimed on formation and realization of modern financial policy of the state.


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