Mine water treatment efficiency raising in the improved sedimentation tank through application of a coagulant
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- Category: Environmental safety, labour protection
- Last Updated on 11 July 2014
- Published on 11 May 2014
- Hits: 4327
V.Ye. Kolesnyk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Ecology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
D.V. Kulikova, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Ecology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Purpose. To raise the efficiency of mine water treatment to remove finely dispersed and colloidal particles in the proposed horizontal sedimentation tank of improved construction by pre-treatment of the water with a coagulant solution (aluminum sulfate).
Methodology. The mine water mechanical treatment efficiency improvement is based on the determination of the duration of the process of upholding water after its pre-treatment by the aluminum sulfate and settling rate of suspended particles in the proposed horizontal sedimentation tank; as well as establishing the relationship between these parameters and calculated technological parameters. Accomplish this we have conducted the physical modeling of the process of sedimentation of suspended solids in mine water that has been pretreated by a coagulant solution. It was based on the similarity of the suspended particles sedimentation curves constructed with different height of levels of mine water in the proposed settler.
Findings. The physical modeling of the suspended solids sedimentation process by settling of the mine water pretreated with a solution of aluminum sulfate, in static conditions has been conducted. We have drew up the curves of the suspended particles sedimentation depending on the duration of the process the mine water settling after its pretreatment with the coagulant solution and deposition rate of suspended particles (their hydraulic size) in the settler of variable depth. The obtained dependencies allow us to determine the relative quantity of suspended particles of a specific hydraulic size, and their sedimentation at different depths of the proposed settler during the time necessary after mine water pretreating by the coagulant solution. The analysis of the calculated technological parameters of the proposed sedimentation tank with the mine water pretreated by aluminum sulfate showed that the expected effectiveness of mine water treatment from mechanical admixtures can be increased to 87% that significantly exceeds the effectiveness of traditional sedimentation tanks.
Originality. The dependencies (in the form of graphs and equations of regression) between the depth of settling of suspended particles of different hydraulic size in the proposed horizontal sedimentation tank of improved construction, its length, and the efficiency of mine water treatment after its pre-treatment by aluminum sulfate has been established.
Practical value. Injection of the coagulant solution into mine water violates the aggregative and sedimentation stability of colloidal disperse system and promotes aggregation and deposition of finely dispersed and colloidal fractions containing in the mine water. This makes mine water treatment more efficient as compared to the simple (non-reagent) upholding in the proposed sedimentation tank.
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