Energy efficiency assessment of multi-stage convective drying of concentrates and mineral raw materials

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N.A. Аrtyukhova, Sumy State University, Postgraduate Student of Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department, Sumy, Ukraine.

A.B. Shandyba, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Sumy National Agrarian University, Head of the Protection of Labour Department, Sumy, Ukraine.

А.Ye. Аrtyukhov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Sumy State University, Senior Lecturer of the Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department, Sumy, Ukraine.


Purpose. To substantiate the possibility of the drying energy costs reduction through implementation of multi-stage shelf apparatus with different shelf contacts designs and rational organization of drying agent flow.

Methodology. The results presented in the article, were obtained by the theoretical analysis of the material heating intensity, the conditions for the fluidized bed forming in the apparatus and the efficiency of each stage considering drying cost reduction. The developed methodology for the concentrates and mineral raw materials drying energy efficiency assessment takes into account the features of multi-stage shelf apparatus.

Findings. It is shown that the implementation of multi-stage shelf dryers can reduce the energy costs by the rational selection of shelf contacts designs and the mode of drying agent movement. We have obtained the analytical dependences allowing us to optimize the efficiency of each stage of shelf dryer and unit drying costs.

Originality. For the first time we have obtained the results confirming that the achievement of energy costs reducing is possible by the improvement of the efficiency on each dryer stage. The applicability of the shelf dryers for dehydration of a wide range of concentrates and mineral raw materials is presented.

Practical value. The presented results of theoretical research are the basis for engineering calculation methods development of multi-stage shelf dryers. Based on the results the improved shelf dryers designs have been developed and granted by title of protection.


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