Economic monitoring of technology transfer offices activity
- Details
- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 19 March 2014
- Published on 26 February 2013
- Hits: 3889
M.B. Zhurakovska, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Economy of Enterprise and Investment, Lviv, Ukraine
Purpose. To create methodical approach regarding integrated economic monitoring of technology transfer offices (TTO) activity in Ukraine.
Methodology. We have used general scientific and special research methods: generalization of existing scientific experience in implementing TTO economic monitoring; comparative analysis of evaluation techniques for TTO; systematization and classification of economic monitoring rates depending on research directions.
Findings. We have developed the TTO economic monitoring rate system and classified it into following groups: research and development activity results within technology platforms; financing of research and development projects involved into TTO for further introduction to production; intellectual property protection rate secured by TTO; activity rate of TTO; effectiveness of TTO activity.
Originality. The methodical approach in TTO activity economic monitoring has become more developed and involves five business activity research directions: research and development activity results within technology platforms; financing of research and development projects involved into TTO for future introduction to manufacturing; intellectual property protection rate secured by TTO; activity rate of TTO; effectiveness of TTO activity, which will help to determine special features of activity of such offices within technology platforms.
Practical Value. Monitoring results will help to analyze TTO performance and use it in creating approaches for future transfer technology determination, publish reports about TTO activity for promoting and involving new customers into cooperation. Economic monitoring of TTO activity key goal is to carry out control function in organizations’ management.
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