About estimation of prognosis degree of outburst hazard of coal seams as the depth of mine works increases

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Authors: S.P. Mineyev, O.V. Vitushko. V.N. Chebenko
An analysis of the first gas dynamic phenomena realization depth in different coal seams is conducted, and the estimation methodic of the outburst hazard minimal depth, for which it is necessary to carry out the prognosis of the outburst hazard while mining, is considered. It is shown, that for estimating the outburst hazard it is necessary to set criterion correlations, that characterize the changes of diffusive and sorptive resources of methane in coal. Provided the correct choice of the criteria on the basis of the informative-analytical model, offered by IGTM NAN of Ukraine, the problem of the outburst hazard estimation of the coal seams can be decided.
2010_09-10 Min
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 361.02 KB Download 1317
Tags: outburst hazard of coal seamprognosis of outburst hazarddepth of mine worksmethane pressureadsorptionDonetsk basin

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