Economic limits for methane extraction from coal seams

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Authors: Bardas A.V.
The economic suitability of coal mines methane extraction and utilization is analyzed in this article. Environmental and economic aspects of methane influence on coal mine output are considered. Some advices are proposed to extract mine gas based on superpower nations’ experience. The one metric ton of exctracted coal cost calculation procedures are given in the article to compare expenditures and productivity with and without degasification works. Ecological aspects of coal mine gas utilization both for heating and electricity generation are studied, too. Methane extraction from return air with 0.5% gas concentration will result in annual decrease of CO2-equivalent gas emission in 353,000 t and earn to coal mines 4,240,000 UAH (530,000USD) additionally.
2010_4 Bardas
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 261.1 KB Download 1691


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.4 2010 Economy Economic limits for methane extraction from coal seams