Formation of principles of new generation educational standards

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V.O. Salov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, Head of Sciences-Methodical Centre, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

T.O. Pismenkova, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, Methodist, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop the method of formation of educational standards using the qualified approach in order to improve the National Qualifications Framework.

Methodology. Professional activity levels are used as components of integral descriptors of the National Qualifications Framework in elaboration of higher education standards. Specialists’ competences are used as information base for development of the training content and creation of diagnostic means to estimate if the graduates are qualified enough to enter professional activity.The key elements of the competency approach to the education process planning are purposes of training formulated in the form of professional competence (functions, tasks and appropriate skills). Each specific skill is one of the professional training goals.Estimation of competence level is made by means of weighted average score calculation. Evaluation of student’s efforts during determination of the weighted average score is made through application ofreasonable and planned competence that objectifies process of diagnostics. The higher level of controlled competence is foreground in evaluation.

Findings. The transforming algorithm of professional standards into educational ones has been offered. SpecifiedintegratedNQF’s descriptors allowing identification of educational and qualification levels in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “About Higher Education”.We suggest to give the degree of ’bachelor’ features of technical kind of professional activities on a specific specialization that will contribute to consistency of requirements of production and education systems concerning definition of education and qualification levels.For the control objectification we propose to use the assessment system that includes an integrated assessment of all students’ educational activities results using the weighted average score.

Originality. The conception that generalizes and develops the national achievements in the field of higher education standardization has been created. For the first time it has been offered to introduce the levels of professional activity of specialists with higher education in the structure of integral descriptors of the National Qualifications Framework. For the first time it has been offered to use specialists’ competences as information base for forming of diagnostic means.

Practical value. Creation of new generation of higher education standards.


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