Determining technological properties of drilling muds
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- Category: Content №2 2023
- Last Updated on 28 April 2023
- Published on 30 November -0001
- Hits: 3679
Ye.A.Koroviaka*,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M.R.Mekshun,, Public Company “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih”, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.O.Ihnatov,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
B.T.Ratov,, Caspian University, Institute of Oil and Gas Business and Geology and Technologies, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ya.S.Tkachenko,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ye.M.Stavychnyi,, Public Company “Ukrnafta”, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* Corresponding author email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2023, (2): 025 - 032
Purpose. To rationalize well washing by considering the influence of the annular channel limitation, granulometric composition of the mud, limitation of the joint movement of mud particles, drill string rotation, shape of the movement channel, and rheological properties of a cleaning agent.
Methodology. Applied laboratory studies on the properties of drilling fluids are carried out using modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental studies, in particular, by using general principles of mathematical and physical modelling, methods of processing the results of studies in the EXCEL, MATNSAD environment, control and measuring devices of the laboratory of washing liquids of the Department of Oil-and-Gas Engineering and Drilling of Dnipro University of Technology (hydrometer, viscometer, plastometer, stalagmometer), and materials (technical water, clay bentonite powder, reagents, stabilizers and activators, surfactants as well as equipment and laboratory base of “Ukrnafta” PJSC to carry out certain stages of research.
Findings. The properties of surface-active substances and activated washing liquids are analyzed. The main technological properties of drilling fluids are studied. Comprehensive information on the physical and chemical ability of flushing drilling fluids is provided. The main technological measures ensuring the stability of drilling process using activated-surfactant drilling fluids are considered in detail. The main technological principles of determining rational formulations of a selected cleaning agent in the circulation of Newtonian liquids are formulated and substantiated. A detailed description of surfactants, their properties and methods to study the formed solutions is given.
Originality. The process of a rock-breaking tool on the well bottom will be stable in the conditions of dynamic equilibrium of the rock-breaking processes and removal of broken products into the annular space. Therefore, for a correct understanding of wellbore washing issues, basic regularities are established of the specified processes and the influence of various factors on these processes.
Practical value. It has been proven that in order to give a drilling fluid the necessary properties that, on the one hand, will ensure an increase in the efficiency of rock breaking on the well bottom, and, on the other hand, will create favourable conditions for stable removal of cuttings onto the surface and maintenance of the well walls in a stable condition, it is necessary to apply different methods, in particular chemical activation as well as magnetic, thermal and electrochemical activation, in its different varieties.
Keywords: drilling well, washing fluid, surfactant, rock, mode parameter, drilling fluid
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