Influence of stratification characteristics and inclination angle of rock massif on mine workings stability computational test results

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І.А. Kovalevska, Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.V. Fomichev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.I. Skitenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

M.V. Snigur, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To determine the type of change of deflected mode of the system ‘rock massif – support’ during change of geometrical and mechanical parameters of the computational model.

Methodology. During specific numerical experiments the same characteristics of the rock can be described in different ways. Stratification is a macro-characteristic and should be modeled with a high degree of adequacy in each individual case. Mine opening is a technological element which belongs to the group of temporary objects, for which the cost of maintenance should be comparable with the technological and financial feasibility. Thus, the strength margin of such an element should be minimal sufficient. It can be achieved for the real in-seam working only if the computational model takes into account the geometry of rock layers and the angle of inclination. Pseudo-layer with specific deformation characteristics is used in the calculations to simulate the conditions of contact with the force of friction between the “real” layers. This allows us to simulate the conditions of rigid contact, the interaction of individual elements of the computational model under conditions close to reality, and it does not go beyond the static equilibrium of the system.

Findings. The methodology of the complex modeling of mutual influence of stratification and inclination angle of rock was created in order to improve the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the computational model used for analysis of the stability of mine workings in Western Donbass mines. Recommendations on integration of various characteristics of stratified rock in the calculations by means of finite element method were developed.

Originality. Approaches to the selection of the characteristics of the rock and working support for their simulation in the computational experiment were suggested. The influence of various characteristics of a real rock massif on the obtained results was shown.

Practical value. The results provide selection of optimal safety parameters in the mines of the Western Donbass and reduce of the cost of coal due to reducing of investments into maintenance of development workings.


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