Economic rationale for a strategy of further uranium production waste management

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O.G. Vagonova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, National Mining University, Head of the Department of Applied Economics and Entrepreneurship, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

D.V. Arzhevichev, National Mining University, Department of Applied Economics and Entrepreneurship, Postgraduate Student, Dnipro, Ukraine,

O.М. Сherkashchenko, National Mining University, Translation Department, Senior Lecturer, Dnipro, Ukraine,


Purpose. Scientific substantiation of strategy of further uranium production waste management of the “Prydniprovskyi Chemical Plant” Production Association (“PCP” PA) and directions of possible use of waste storage areas in the future.

Methodology. The results were obtained through the following methods: critical analysis and systematization while estimating the impact of uranium production wastes on the population and territory; statistical and economic analysis while studying socio-economic and ecological consequences of uranium production waste disposal on urban lands; mathematical modelling in economics and optimization while substantiating directions of further management of uranium production wastes.

Findings. Influence of different factors on choosing a strategy of further management of uranium production wastes of the “PCP” PA is evaluated. Considering the requirement for long-term maintenance of conformity of radioactive waste (RAW) storages state with laws and regulations in force and minimization of expenses on servicing them, a strategy of further management of uranium production wastes of the “PCP” PA has been developed. The strategy focuses on taking a number of remediation measures on contaminated territories which allow putting them out of service and regulatory control and getting these territories round to free, unrestricted or at least beneficial use by local communities or new owners. A business mechanism of implementing the strategy of further treating of uranium production wastes of the “PCP” PA is suggested. It includes preparation, selection, design, technology and substantiated trends of possible use of the lands in the future, which are directed at minimizing costs on servicing the storages.  

Originality. New conceptual approaches to the strategy of further management of uranium production wastes of the “PCP” PA have been suggested and the business mechanism of implementing the chosen strategy has been improved. 

Practical value. A process algorithm for putting storage areas out of regulatory control is developed and the procedure of planning and taking measures on remediation is justified according to the optimization principle. The most appropriate ways of using the storage areas of uranium production wastes of the “PCP” PA after their remediation are proposed.


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