Enhanced gas recovery from depleted gas fields with residual natural gas displacement by nitrogen

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R.M.Kondrat, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Professor of the Department of Exploration and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Fields, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.

L.I.Khaidarova, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, postgraduate student, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">lilya.matiishun@gmail.com


Purpose. Evaluation of technological efficiency of a method for increasing final gas recovery from a depleted gas field with residual natural gas displacement by nitrogen.

Methodology. Computer research on the regularities of residual natural gas displacement by nitrogen from a circular shaped depleted gas field using licensed computer program CMG (Computer Modelling Group). In the research is founded change in time of technological development indicators of gas production from the field for different values of a pressure of early nitrogen injection into the gas field and for duration of injection time.

Findings. According to the results of the computer research on the patterns of residual natural gas displacement by nitrogen from depleted gas field, there is received change of reservoir pressure by the years, flow rate of production well of gas and nitrogen, and gas recovery factor depending on the pressure of early nitrogen injection into the gas field and duration of injection period.

Originality. For the first time regularities of the process of residual natural gas displacement by nitrogen and optimal values of the pressure of early nitrogen injection into the gas field and duration of injection period are obtained for circular shaped depleted gas field.

Practical value. Injection of nitrogen into depleted gas field for the corresponding values of pressure of early nitrogen injection and duration of the period of its injection allows intensifying the process of further development of the field as well as increasing the current production of gas and gas recovery factor by 5‒10 %.


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5. Kondrat, R. M. and Khaidarova, L. I., 2016. The influence of beginning pressure nitrogen injection into depleted gas field on the characteristics of the process of extracting the residual gas. Exploration and development of oil and gas fields, 2(59), рр. 51‒57.

Date 2017-11-15 Filesize 1.85 MB Download 943

Tags: fieldwellgasnitrogeninjectiongas recoverypressureflow rate


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